

The Park Section of the Wisconsin Park and Recreation Association has the task of representing the Park members and the issues related the Parks Industry. The section is made up of four Regional Representatives, (one from each region) a Chairman, Past Chair and Chair Elect, Secretary/treasurer, State Parks/DNR representative, WIAA/Urban Forestry representative, and two representatives at large. The sections is charged with providing educational opportunities which includes, but limited to, a Fall Workshop, and educational sessions at the Annual Conference and Trade Show. The section is an advocate of all parks related state and federal legislative issues, and gathering & disseminating information for all parks related subjects to all WPRA members.

2023 Park Section Manual

2024 Park Section Board Members

Kevin Wiesmann
Amanda Geiser
Tony Nowak
Secretary/Treasurer/Board Liaison
Chad Duerkop
Region I Representative
Holly Femal 
Region II Representative
Cullen Slapak
Region III Representative
Nick Spence
Region IV Representative
Jekka Alt
Lael Pascual
State Park DNR
Travis Derks
WAA/ Urban Forestry
Sean Brusegar
Past Chairperson



View Past Agendas & Minutes