Board of Directors
 Jamie Polley, CPRP President Wausau and Marathon
 Joleen Stinson, CPRP President - Elect Dane County Parks
 Matthew Vanderkamp, CPRP Secretary/Treasurer Wauwatosa Recreation Department
 Derek Donlevy, CPRP, AFO Past President Milwaukee Public Schools
 John Jimenez
Region I Representative Chippewa Falls
 John McDonald, AFO, LG, LGI Region II Representative Little Chute |
 Sam Frederickson Region III Representative DeForest
 Amanda Schwictenberg Region IV Representative West Allis-West Milwaukee
 Deb Bossingham, WSI, LGI, DPI Teacher, LG, CPR Instructor, CPO Aquatic Section Representative Verona
 Tony Nowak, CPRP Park Section Representative Greenville
 Adrienne Lacy, CPRE Recreation Section Representative Marinette
 Jennifer Rzepka, CAE Executive Director
If you are interested in WPRA leadership or know of someone that is interested, please fill out the form, WPRA Election Interest Form or email [email protected].